USW Local 1998 Administrator

USW Local 1998 Stands in Solidarity with CUPE1230, 3261, and 3902

  USWLocal 1998 Stands in Solidarity with CUPE   USW Local 1998 Our union colleagues in CUPE 1230, CUPE 3261 and CUPE 3902 Unit 1 & Unit 5 are currently bargaining with the University of Toronto to establish new contracts for their members. Members in these units are library workers, bus drivers, campus mail workers,

USW Local 1998 Stands in Solidarity with CUPE1230, 3261, and 3902 Read More »

Women of Steel (WoS)’s special series of publications on burnout

The Local WOS Committee met on February 3, 2023, and discussed adapting a series of publications on burnout created by the Local 1944 WOS Committee for Local 1998 members. These four publications raise awareness about burnout and how it can affect people at work. Local 1944 created these resources for their members in the telecommunications

Women of Steel (WoS)’s special series of publications on burnout Read More »

A Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from the Executive Committee of USW Local 1998

A Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from the Executive Committee of USW Local 1998 The Executive Committee of USW Local 1998 adds its voice to the growing call by labour organizations (including the Ontario Federation of Labour and the Toronto & York Region Labour Council), Muslim, Jewish and other faith communities, and many individuals in

A Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict from the Executive Committee of USW Local 1998 Read More »

2023 Bargaining Committee Members. There are 12 members representing from different divisions across the University of Toronto in the Staff-Appointed Unit.

2023 UofT Staff-Appointed Bargaining Committee

Here are the 2023 UofT Staff-Appointed Bargaining Committee Members: UTSG: Mary-Marta Briones-Bird Justen Bennett Audrey Fong Katrina Marshall Aziz El Mejdouby Ruxandra Pop Sukhpreet Sangha Victoria Simpson      Zack Sholdra Tamara Vickery UTM: Richard Waters UTSC: Rabia Nasir USW 1998: John Ankenman, President Local 1998. Colleen Burke, Staff Representative, Local 1998

2023 UofT Staff-Appointed Bargaining Committee Read More »

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